Filename | user_manual.pdf |
filesize | 1.48 MB |
Version | 1 |
Date added | September 11, 2011 |
Downloaded | 3099 times |
Category | Web Librarian |
Tags | 142, 58, 81 |
short-description | Documentation File (PDF) |
User Manual for the Web Librarian WP plugin.
These are the various software packages available for download from Deepwoods Software. The three main open source packages each have their own category and all of the other odds and ends are in a catch-all odd and ends category.
Filename | user_manual.pdf |
filesize | 1.48 MB |
Version | 1 |
Date added | September 11, 2011 |
Downloaded | 3099 times |
Category | Web Librarian |
Tags | 142, 58, 81 |
short-description | Documentation File (PDF) |
User Manual for the Web Librarian WP plugin.
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