Page 2 of Celeste’s pictures.
Recent (April 2006) picture of Celeste, who appeared in a school play recently.
Cast photo.
(Her cousins Gemma and Skylar.)
Celeste busy knitting, shortly before Christmas Day 2001.
(Her cousins Gemma and Skylar.)
Celeste playing Chinese Checkers with her mom, her grandmom, her dad, and Jaffe, on Christmas Eve, 2001.
(Her cousins Gemma and Skylar.)
Celeste busy knitting, shortly before Christmas 2001.
Celeste continues to knit.
Celeste knit, knit, knit!
(Her cousins Gemma and Skylar.)
Waiting for the school bus shortly before Christmas 2000.
(Her cousins Gemma and Skylar.)