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Tag: News
Sir Top'm Hat gets a new hat and starts
N Scale signals
I have assembled the N scale signals for the Two Siding Oval layout. This assembly consists of a BLMA Models #1000 non-operating N Signal Head (mounted on a piece of styrene), a length of fiber optic cable (Mouser #630-HFBR-RNS001Z), a two color (red/green) LED (Mouser # 696-SSLLX5099GIWCA), and a small…
Coming Soon
Conversion Complete
I have completed the conversion of my old Tcl/CGI based personal site to WordPress. Soon I will be adding new content! WordPress will make this much easier than it was for the old site.
Personal Site converted to WordPress
I have converted my personal site from a CGI/Tcl powered site to a WordPress site, using the Techozoic Fluid theme (V 1.8.7) by Jeremy Clark. I still have four pages of pictures to convert over, but this should be done in a day or two.
Sir Top'm Hat gets a new hat and starts
N Scale signals

I have assembled the N scale signals for the Two Siding Oval layout. This assembly consists of a BLMA Models #1000 non-operating N Signal Head (mounted on a piece of styrene), a length of fiber optic cable (Mouser #630-HFBR-RNS001Z), a two color (red/green) LED (Mouser # 696-SSLLX5099GIWCA), and a small…
Coming Soon
Conversion Complete
I have completed the conversion of my old Tcl/CGI based personal site to WordPress. Soon I will be adding new content! WordPress will make this much easier than it was for the old site.
Personal Site converted to WordPress
I have converted my personal site from a CGI/Tcl powered site to a WordPress site, using the Techozoic Fluid theme (V 1.8.7) by Jeremy Clark. I still have four pages of pictures to convert over, but this should be done in a day or two.